
RHC COVID-19 Reporting Deadlines

RHCCTM Reporting Reminder ($100k funding)
January reporting on the Rural Health Clinic COVID-19 Reporting Portal, including the number of COVID-19 tests conducted and the number of positive tests, is due February 28th. RHCs who received funding from the RHC COVID-19 Testing and Mitigation (RHCCTM) Program ($100k) must continue to report the number of COVID-19 tests conducted and the number of positive COVID-19 tests until January 2023 on the Rural Health Clinic COVID-19 Reporting Portal. RHCCTM Funds must be spent by December 31, 2022. Please note that the categorical questions that capture quarterly data regarding the use of Rural Health Clinic COVID-19 Testing and Mitigation (RHCCTM) Program funds have been reset to obtain Q1 2022 data and will be open until April 30, 2022. Last quarter (Q4 2021) responses can no longer be edited.
Please see RHC Reporting Deadlines for current and future deadlines. Additional program details can be found on the RHCCTM Website.
Unspent RHCCT ($49k) Funds Must be returned by March 2
As a reminder, if you have remaining RHCCT Program funds, but have not returned the unspent amount to HHS, you can view full and partial return instructions here. RHCs that have unused RHCCT funds must finish the complete or partial return process by March 2, 2022.

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