RHC COVID-19 Reporting Deadlines

RHCCTM Reporting Reminder ($100k funding)January reporting on the Rural Health Clinic COVID-19 Reporting Portal, including the number of COVID-19 tests conducted and the number of positive tests, is due February 28th. RHCs who received funding from the RHC COVID-19 Testing and Mitigation (RHCCTM) Program ($100k) must continue to report the number of COVID-19 tests conducted and the number of…

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HPSA’s Proposed for Withdrawal

The American Hospital Association addresses HRSA about the significant amount of HPSA’s Proposed for Withdrawal across the country.   “Losing a HPSA designation, and the access to federal funds it affords, has significant negative consequences for patients and communities.” Midwest Health Care, Inc. would like to thank the American Hospital Association for their efforts. AHA HPSA…

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